A Librarian named (Mr, Kalyanasundaram) located in Tamil Nadu Donates his entire Salary to help the needy. He has worked in a library for 30 yeaars and also in a hotel to meet his daily needs, he donates the entire salary which he get from the library and the rest which he gets from the hotel service will be used for his daily needs. He donated even his pension amount of Rs 10 Lakhs for the neeedy one's.
He is the first person in the world to donate the entire salary for a social cause and we should be proud of it. UNO - United nations organizations recognized him as one of the outstanding people in the 20th century.
An American organization Honored him the "Man of Millennium" award. He received a sum if 30 crores as a part of this award. He donated the whole amount which he received as an award.
By looking at his passion to help others, Super Star Rajinikanth adopted him as his father but Mr Kalyanasundaram still stays as a bachelor and dedicated his entire life for the society.
We are proud of Kalyanasundaram who is a real human being and now we can proudly say that
"He is from India and this happens in India"
we don't need to be like him fully but we can set aside a part of our salary to help the needy,
what we give today will always speak tomorrow in some or the other way.
He is the first person in the world to donate the entire salary for a social cause and we should be proud of it. UNO - United nations organizations recognized him as one of the outstanding people in the 20th century.
An American organization Honored him the "Man of Millennium" award. He received a sum if 30 crores as a part of this award. He donated the whole amount which he received as an award.
By looking at his passion to help others, Super Star Rajinikanth adopted him as his father but Mr Kalyanasundaram still stays as a bachelor and dedicated his entire life for the society.
We are proud of Kalyanasundaram who is a real human being and now we can proudly say that
"He is from India and this happens in India"
we don't need to be like him fully but we can set aside a part of our salary to help the needy,
what we give today will always speak tomorrow in some or the other way.
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