Tamil Nadu is facing a severe drought this year with scorching heat which hit early march itself.
The desperation of the state to solve this problem seems to be more so our beloved Co-operatives Minister Sellur Raju tried an innovative method of setting afloat Rs. 10 lakh worth of thermocol taped together on the Vaigai dam reservoir to prevent the water from evaporating
Well did it work?
see below
Source and credits: TheNewsMinute
The desperation of the state to solve this problem seems to be more so our beloved Co-operatives Minister Sellur Raju tried an innovative method of setting afloat Rs. 10 lakh worth of thermocol taped together on the Vaigai dam reservoir to prevent the water from evaporating
Well did it work?
see below
When the sheets of thermocol refused to float on the water
body, coracles were sent in with fishermen to place them at the center of the
dam. Those sheets too apparently returned to the shore faster than the men who
went to place them got back. Yep, mega fail. See the below video and image and you will have an idea of it more
Source and credits: TheNewsMinute
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