Aaha Kalyanam the remake movie of Band Baaja Baarat is running successfully in all parts of south india, the movie came out with a flying colors as a good remake but the main disadvantage is that the movie has beeen taken as same xerox copy of the scenes, for those who have already seen the original movie will not like the remake but for those who havent seen then this will be a decent movie for the 2.50 hr, Vaani has given her best in this movie as her sense of humor is fully shown in each and every part of the film, She has made herself to suit inside the role and has given her best " says Vaani Kapoor in an recent interview.
Vaani Kapoor has the best talents to suit inside the role while acting for the film says san" director of the film Aaha Kalyanam
Vaani Kapoor has the best talents to suit inside the role while acting for the film says san" director of the film Aaha Kalyanam
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