Pawan Kalyan and Jana Sena Party founder will be meeting or have a plan to meet Narendra Modi on Ahmedabad tomorrow( the prime misisterial Candidate for BJP), Pawan kalyan is the youngest brother for Chiranjeevi, who is the Union Minister of the state for Tourism, Launched the Jena sena party on March 14th, the actor who has a great name and fame in telugu industry, the man with lot of followers( Pawan Kalyan) is ready to join hands with any party to oust Congress from the rulling party.
We dont know the exact reasons for meeting Modi - said close source for Pawan kalyan,
Since the meeting is with big expectations, they will go for the party alliance .
We dont know the exact reasons for meeting Modi - said close source for Pawan kalyan,
Since the meeting is with big expectations, they will go for the party alliance .
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